The Art of Writing About Controversial Topics with William Cooper

The truth is important for every author, but it is especially important if you are writing a book on a controversial topic. Controversial topics attract pushback and criticism, so if you get something wrong, you’re extra likely to get called out for it. That’s why it’s essential to ensure accuracy when you’re writing about a controversial topic, just like William Cooper. William is the author of Stress Test: How Donald Trump Threatens American Democracy, as well as a columnist whose writings have appeared in over 100 publications globally including the Wall Street Journal, New York Daily News, Huffington Post, and USA Today. In this episode, William and Robin discuss the dangers of ‘filling in the blanks’ with preconceived notions around controversial subjects, the origins of his moderate nature, as well as the process of turning a collection of articles into a book.


Key Takeaways from This Episode:

  • William’s thoughtful and level-headed approach to controversial and polarizing topics.
  • How to cut through rhetoric and grandstanding when looking for facts in the media.
  • Why William believes the Clinton impeachment was frivolous and a mistake and why Trump’s was much more serious.
  • How he turned a collection of his published columns into a book.
  • …and much more!


Resources Mentioned in this Episode:

Stress Test book

About William Cooper: 


William Cooper is an attorney, columnist, and author of Stress Test: How Donald Trump Threatens American Democracy, which Publishers Weekly calls “a compelling rallying cry for democratic institutions under threat in America.” His commentary has appeared in hundreds of publications globally including The New York Times, New York Daily News, Baltimore Sun, USA Today, Huffington Post, Toronto Star, Shenzhen Daily, and Jerusalem Post.



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