Secrets Behind a Perennial Bestseller with HeatherAsh Amara

HeatherAsh Amara



Being a perennial bestselling author almost seems like an urban legend. We’ve all seen books with that kind of staying power, but few authors have that experience. 

If you’re wondering what it takes to write a book that sells thousands of copies, not just for weeks, but for decades, then this is the episode for you!

In episode #142 of The Author’s Corner, Robin is joined by perennial bestseller, HeatherAsh Amara, to tell you not only that it can be done, but she also shares insights into how she did it, so you can too.


Key takeaways:

  • The inspiration behind her first book
  • How her personal life influenced her writing
  • The creative strategies she used to put her book in front of her audience
  • Her strategy to create intimacy with the reader
  • Insight into the crone archetype
  • HeatherAsh’s favorite lessons in her book
  • How to practice open heartedness
  • How we can “align with life”
  • HeatherAsh’s advice to authors
  • And more!


Resources mentioned in this episode:



About HeatherAsh Amara:

HeatherAsh Amara is the author of nine books, including the bestselling Warrior Goddess Training, The Seven Secrets of Happy and Healthy Relationships with don Miguel Ruiz Jr., and the upcoming book Wild, Willing, and Wise. She skillfully and unconditionally guides people to shift from self-judgment to discernment, victimhood to authentic vulnerability, and to shed limiting domestication so they can ground into their self-intimacy, steadiness, and stillness. Raised in Southeast Asia, HeatherAsh has traveled the world from childhood and is continually inspired by the diversity and beauty of human expression and experience. She brings this open-hearted, inclusive worldview to her writings and teachings.

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