How Social Media Changes Our Past with Jason Steinhauer

Communicating history to convey the story of what’s happening and what’s bound to happen is vital to solving many problems in the world. Joining us today is Jason Steinhauer to talk about the impact of how our roots are being communicated in different media forms, how the web has reshaped what we think about the past, and how the History profession is being disrupted nowadays. Major call-to-action items ahead.


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Key Takeaways From This Episode

  • Comparing and contrasting history as depicted in books versus social media 
  • How online crowdsourcing impacts history
  • Massive effects of how journalism, history, science, and publishing are represented on the web
  • What’s currently going on in the History profession?
  • The value of understanding the history of things

Resources Mentioned in This Episode


About Jason Steinhauer

Jason Steinhauer is an author, public historian, podcast host, founder of the History Communication Institute, creator of History Club, and a Global Fellow at The Wilson Center. He is passionate about creating an educated, informed, and historically media literate citizenry. He served as Founding Director of the Lepage Center for History in the Public Interest; is currently a Global Fellow at The Woodrow Wilson Center and a Senior Fellow at the Foreign Policy Research Institute; a contributor to TIME and CNN; a past editorial board member of The Washington Post “Made By History” section; and a Presidential Counselor of the National WWII Museum. He worked for seven years at the U.S. Library of Congress.  

In 2020, he founded the History Club on Clubhouse, which he hosts regularly. The club has more than 100,000 members and averages 2,500 participants per week. In 2021, he founded the first cryptocurrency devoted to history, $JASON coin. The coin will be used to provide grants for public-facing history projects. 

In 2014, he coined the term “History Communicators” and has worked with colleagues worldwide to found the new field of History Communication. He is the founder and CEO of the History Communication Institute. His first book, History, Disrupted, examines how history gets communicated on the World Wide Web. 

Jason has twice traveled overseas with the U.S. Department of State as part of diplomatic exchanges between the United States and the European Union, meeting with government officials, scholars, and students to discuss the effects of the Web and social media on public understandings of news, history, and information. He has spoken at events across the United States and Europe and appears frequently in the media. A native New Yorker, he is a long-suffering New York Jets fan.

 Connect with Jason


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