Using Humor to Capture Audiences with John Hlinko

A good laugh can also be good therapy, and in times like these, humor can be an excellent stress reliever. Discover the power of comedy in connecting with the audience, conveying ideas, and raising awareness in this episode with John Hlinko. Explore your humorous side and leave an impression today.


Listen to the podcast here

Key Takeaways from This Episode

  • How does humor effectively spread messages
  • Using humor to make a political impact
  • Dealing with adverse social media reactions to humor
  • A considerate approach to humor
  • What makes truth-based humor funny


Resources Mentioned in This Episode


About John Hlinko

As a youngster, John Hlinko never dreamed he would one day record a Grammy-winning duet with country music legend Willie Nelson. And indeed, it never happened. But he has been long recognized as an innovator on the grassroots engagement front, received numerous awards for his work, and been covered by nearly all the major national news outlets. He has also been quoted as a grassroots expert in multiple books and spoken at hundreds of events ranging from a few dozen attendees to a few thousand.

He is the founder of LeftAction, an activist community of more than 2 million, which has helped spur grassroots support for progressive organizations and candidates. He is also the author of two books: “Share, Retweet, Repeat: Get your message read and spread,” a book on viral marketing, and “Pandemic Pickup Lines,” used to raise funds for pandemic related relief.  

In 2004, he was named one of the world’s top 25 “individuals, organizations and companies that are having the greatest impact on the way the Internet is changing politics” by the World Forum on e-Democracy. And in 2006, PR Week named him one of the top five “PR Professionals of the Year.”

John was the founder and leader of “” in 2003/04, and in 2006/2007, he was the co-leader of “,” a grassroots effort to build support for Senator Obama before his entrance into the race.

John holds a BA from Wesleyan University and a Master of Public Policy degree from Harvard University. He came in second for “Class clown” at Valley Stream Central High School, but the guy who beat him ended up on Saturday Night Live, so cut him some slack.


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